Our Ask & Future Fundraise Goals
Fundraise: $2,250,000
Current Commitments: $1,200,000
Amount Remaining: $1,050,000
Minimum Investment: $150,000
Pre-Money Valuation: $15,000,000
Post-Money Valuation: $18,000,000
Key Deliverables:
– Form 10 & Form15c2-11 (SEC/FINRA)
– Design / Construction Revenues
– Hire 2-3 R&D Employees
– Furnish eBox Proof of Concept
– Hire Investor Relations & Grant Writer
Est Fundraise: $10,000,000+ (USD)*
Est Amount Filled: TBD
Est Amount Remaining: TBD
Est Minimum Investment: $500,000
Pre-Money Valuation: $55,000,000
Est Post-Money Valuation: $65,000,000
Key Deliverables:
– Commence eBox Pilot Program
– Appoint BOD & Uplist to OTCQB
– Hire 4-5 Growth Minded Employees
– Target: $100,000,000+ Market
– Capitalization & Positive EBIDTA
Energy Finders Roadmap (24 Month Look Ahead)
Site #1: Design / Plan / Clearing Phase I
Recruit Staff Engineer #1 & Hire Grant Writer #1
Submit Form 15c2-11 to Glendale Securities -> FINRA
Site #1: Permit Application / Land Prep Phase II
Emerging Growth Conference + Innovation Agora
Prepare Form 10 Registration + Audited Fins
GCFF Conference + NREL Industry Growth Forum
Hire Admin Assistant + File Form 10 Registration
Site #2: Design / Plan / Clearing Phase I
Site #1: Construction Phase III (SWM+pV+BESS)
Uplist to OTCQB Exchange & Appoint BOD
Site #2: Design / Plan / Clearing Phase
Site #1: Construction Phase III (Continued)
Site #2: Permit Application / Land Prep Phase II
Select Reg A+ Broker Dealer
Site #1: PPA Subscription Phase III (25 Years)
Site #2: Permit Application / Land Prep Phase II
Hire Operations & Sales Managers
Hire O&M Technician #1 / PR Firm
Site #2: Construction Phase III
Site #3: Design / Plan / Clearing Phase I
Site #2: Construction Phase III
Site #3: Design / Plan / Clearing Phase I
Site #4: Design / Plan / Clearing Phase I
Management Note: The speed at which we close our current $2.25M fundraise @ .15 cents per share will drastically impact our ability to meet or exceed the aforementioned dates. These calculations additionally assume that we will improve our project installation timelines by 10-20% YoY.